The perfect set for any Grade 3 (or maybe even Grade 2!) solo snare drum competition set. Compositions and instruction by Simon Grant of Glasgow, Scotland. The chosen tunes, Lucy Cassidy and The Curlew Jig, are staples in the Pipe Band literature— absolute must-haves and must-know for any Monster Pipe Band Snare, Tenor or Bass Drummer. At the end of this course, you will have a great addition to your repertoire for any competition, concert or performance. Also... you'll be way more Monster.
Number of Classes: 10
Total Time: app. 4hrs
Objective: Learn a standard Grade 3 Hornpipe/Jig competition set
Perfect for: Middle Monsters, Grade 3 or Grade 2 Pipe Band Snare competitors, Beast Mode Drummers looking to improve their Scottish flavor and style
Instrument: Pipe Band Snare Drum
Monster Instructor: Simon Grant
Class 1: Lucy Cassidy Exercises
The classic swung Hornpipe, Lucy Cassidy is a fan favorite, and an excellent choice for your first competition or concert HPJ. Simon gets everyone— Snare, Tenors and Bass— on the same page with a custom series of exercises that allow anyone's Monster Mitts the opportunity to learn the specific rudiments and phrases unique to this Monster Drum score.
Time: 50min
Monster Tip:
Going from Singles to Buzzes is common place in Pipe Band Snare Drumming, yet it often the barrier between 'good' and Monster. Pay special attention to these moments. The very first phrase, which breaks down a 6 Stroke Roll and a 4 Stroke roll, each followed by a series of Single Strokes, is the perfect opportunity asses your balance from note to note.
Class 2: Lucy Cassidy Exercise Review & Rep
Now that you've learned all the the tricky phrases from Lucy Cassidy, it's time to review and rep! "Rep" is short for "repetition," or "repeat." "Repping" is an important tool for any Monster Musician. Put your knowledge of these phrases to the test with Simon's awesome exercise vid. No yack'n, just hack'n!
Time: 3min
How many times should you play each? That depends... how WELL would you like to play them?:) We suggest staying on one phrase until it's correct. You'll know it. You'll feel it. If you're not sure if you're playing it right, slow it down!
Monster Tip:
It's always easier to work-out rudiments and phrases away from the score. This prevents doing too much, too quickly and making a ton of mistakes without realizing it. If you feel you have a good grasp on all the rudiments and phrases from the exercise classes, you're ready to apply them to make some Monster Music! If you're not comfy with them yet, be patient. Give the exercises a little more time before moving on.
Class 3: Lucy Cassidy Score Breakdown
Now that you've practiced all the tricky spots, allowing your hands time to understand the more challenging phrases, it's time to apply these to the Lucy Cassidy score!
Monster Tip:
How did it feel putting everything together? Were you keeping-up or were you struggling? If you were struggling, no worries at all! Just go back to the exercises and KEPP REP'N! That's what all Monster Musicians do. They make sure they understand one thing before adding more. If you were able to hang, awesome! Let's go on to the next score!
Class 4: The Curlew Jig Exercises
Great job with the Hornpipe! We're now going to do the same process with The Curlew Jig. This is a must-play for all Monster Pipe Band Musicians, and Simon's exercises to prepare your Mitts and Minds are absolutely ideal. Let's dig into the tricky bits for all three: the Snare, Tenor & Bass phrases, so we all understand how the total Drum Corps composition works with the tune.
Just like Simon's Lucy Cassidy score, this Jig is a great introduction to rudiments and phrases all Pipe Band Snare Drummers will see from Grade 3 on up. Take your time in matching Simon's interp. PERFECTLY before moving on.
Class 5: The Curlew Jig Exercise Review & Rep
Your turn! Put your knowledge to the test with Simon's awesome exercise vids. No yack'n, just hack'n!
How many times should you play each? Well... think about how long you spent on the Lucy Cassidy exercises vs. how well you can play them now. You should see a direct relationship between the amount of time spent on an exercise and your personal progress. Otherwise, something might not be right. Trust yourself. Trust your intuition. Often, your ears will figure it out faster than your Monster Mitts.
Monster Tip:
It's always easier to work-out rudiments and phrases away from the score. This prevents doing too much, too quickly and making a ton of mistakes without realizing it. If you feel you have a good grasp on all the rudiments and phrases from the exercise classes, you're ready to apply them to make some Monster Music! If you're not comfy with them yet, be patient. Give the exercises a little more time before moving on.
Class 6: The Curlew Jig Score Breakdown
If you've mastered the exercise doc, then you're ready for the score! Time to make some music to The Curlew Jig!
Monster Tip:
Make a decision right now, "What is my standard today?" What level of playing is acceptable to you today? Ideally, that standard will be just a little higher tomorrow. Decide before you begin a practice session what is OK to push through and what isn't. It's totally fine if today isn't your best playing day, btw:) Regardless, always be mindful of how you're feeling and how well you're playing.
Class 7: PadLab Lucy Cassidy
Easily the best way to put all the pieces together, it's time to rock Lucy Cassidy via the power of PadLab. Click the gear icon to go Full Screen Mode!
Monster Tip:
PadLab is your ultimate drum score breakdown tool. Be sure you utilize ALL of its features for maximum Monster learning. Check-out the Help button ( ? seen in the bottom right) for a list of features. Full Screen Mode is always the best PadLab experience. Enjoy!
Class 8: PadLab The Curlew Jig
And finally the Jig with PadLab to guide you to the final steps of Monster Mastery! Gear icon for Full Screen Mode!
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Class 9: Lucy Cassidy/Curlew Jig HPJ Solo Set Performance Practice
It's time to put all the pieces together and play along with Simon for the entire set. Get ready to get Beastly!
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Class 10: Post your performance for Fierce Feedback
Show us what you got! Record yourself playing to Simon's set, and post it for some Fierce Feedback. Here's a quick checklist:
- Play on a drum pad (not a drum!:))
- Show your hands & beautiful face:)
- Play along with Class 9.
- Make sure we can hear YOU as well as Class 9's audio (we don't necessarily need to see Class 9).
- Keep your video as easy as possible by using your mobile phone or web cam.
- Don't worry about the quality of your camera. It totally doesn't matter. We just need to see you and hear you (plus what you're playing with).
- Don't play on a drum. Pads are how we improve, plus, drums are really hard to record well:)